Saturday, 14 February 2015

Week 4- Social Bookmarking & Tagging- Pinterest Exercises! 13/02/15

In week 4 our lecture was based on the topic of social bookmarking and tagging. Therefore our online lab we had the following Friday the 13th of February was based on the social bookmarking and tagging sites Pinterest and Diigo.

The first task was based on For the exercise we had to create a Pinterest profile for ourselves. I had previously never used Pinterest before so was very new to the site and how it works.
Here is a screen shot of the first board I made on my page about my favorite TV shows.

The next task was to add an image from the website of Fungie to a board by "pinning" it to the board. Here is a screenshot of the task completed.

The third task was to follow the board "Stuff I Want To Make!" and repin an image from their board that I like onto my own board! Here is a screen shot of this. 

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